Movies Detail of Lyckans ost (1983)
✓ Title : Lyckans ost
✓ Release Date : October 20th, 1983
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Kjell Sundvall
✓ Companies : Europa Film, Svenska Filminstitutet, SVT
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Allan Svensson, Bertil Norström, Kjell Bergqvist, Suzanne Reuter, Anders Åberg, Maria Johnson, Ulf Brunnberg, Tommy Johnson, Roland Jansson, Bengt Brunskog
✓ Release Date : October 20th, 1983
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Kjell Sundvall
✓ Companies : Europa Film, Svenska Filminstitutet, SVT
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Allan Svensson, Bertil Norström, Kjell Bergqvist, Suzanne Reuter, Anders Åberg, Maria Johnson, Ulf Brunnberg, Tommy Johnson, Roland Jansson, Bengt Brunskog
Synopsis of Lyckans ost (1983)
Göte is in his forties and socially inhibited by an over-protective mother. When she dies he is forced to discover the real world. His employer trust him with a large sum of money intended for the company's workers up north. On the way he meets two prostitutes.
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Well, Lyckans ost (1983) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lyckans ost (1983) itselft directed by Kjell Sundvall and Starring by Allan Svensson, Bertil Norström, Kjell Bergqvist, Suzanne Reuter, Anders Åberg, Maria Johnson, Ulf Brunnberg, Tommy Johnson, Roland Jansson, Bengt Brunskog which made Lyckans ost (1983) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Lyckans ost Online Sa Prevodom Gledalica - A subgenre of science fantasy that features rousing adventure stories set on other planets, and usually featuring Earthmen as protagonists. There is a fair amount of overlap between "Sword & Planet" and "planetary romance" though some works are considered to belong to one and not the other. In general, Planetary Romance is considered to be more of a Space Opera subgenre, influenced by the likes of A Princess of Mars yet more modern and technologically savvy, while Sword & Planet more directly imitates the conventions established by Burroughs in the Mars series.
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