Movies Detail of Das Zimmer (2000)
✓ Title : Das Zimmer
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2000
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Director : Roland Reber
✓ Writer : Roland Reber
✓ Cast : Marina Anna Eich, Ute Meisenheimer, Claire Plaut, Mira Gittner, Petra Knieper, Marcus Grüsser
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2000
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Director : Roland Reber
✓ Writer : Roland Reber
✓ Cast : Marina Anna Eich, Ute Meisenheimer, Claire Plaut, Mira Gittner, Petra Knieper, Marcus Grüsser
Synopsis of Das Zimmer (2000)
A woman and a man are asked to housesitting. Than can do whatever they want in the house, but they are not allowed to enter one specific room.
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Well, Das Zimmer (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Das Zimmer (2000) itselft directed by Roland Reber and Starring by Marina Anna Eich, Ute Meisenheimer, Claire Plaut, Mira Gittner, Petra Knieper, Marcus Grüsser which made Das Zimmer (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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