Movies Detail of Paradise Lost (1999)
✓ Title : Paradise Lost
✓ Release Date : July 20th, 1999
✓ Genre : Action
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Herb Freed
✓ Writers : Herb Freed, Marion Segal
✓ Cast : Nigel Havers, Luz Minerva Rodríguez, Adamari López, Julio Axel Landrón, William Forsythe, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Dwayne, Miguel Ángel Suárez, Miguel Ángel Álvarez, Ernesto Concepción padre
✓ Release Date : July 20th, 1999
✓ Genre : Action
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Herb Freed
✓ Writers : Herb Freed, Marion Segal
✓ Cast : Nigel Havers, Luz Minerva Rodríguez, Adamari López, Julio Axel Landrón, William Forsythe, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Dwayne, Miguel Ángel Suárez, Miguel Ángel Álvarez, Ernesto Concepción padre
Synopsis of Paradise Lost (1999)
A scientist in the rain forest squares off against a land developer while trying to solve some unexplained deaths.
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Well, Paradise Lost (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Paradise Lost (1999) itselft directed by Herb Freed and Starring by Nigel Havers, Luz Minerva Rodríguez, Adamari López, Julio Axel Landrón, William Forsythe, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Dwayne, Miguel Ángel Suárez, Miguel Ángel Álvarez, Ernesto Concepción padre which made Paradise Lost (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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