Movies Detail of The Complaint of an Empress (1990)
✓ Title : The Complaint of an Empress
✓ Original Title : Die Klage der Kaiserin
✓ Release Date : February 17th, 1990
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Pina Bausch
✓ Writer : Pina Bausch
✓ Companies : Channel Four Films, ZDF, La Sept Cinéma
✓ Countries : Germany, France
✓ Cast : No Casts Available
✓ Original Title : Die Klage der Kaiserin
✓ Release Date : February 17th, 1990
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Pina Bausch
✓ Writer : Pina Bausch
✓ Companies : Channel Four Films, ZDF, La Sept Cinéma
✓ Countries : Germany, France
✓ Cast : No Casts Available
Synopsis of The Complaint of an Empress (1990)
This first film by choreographer Pina Bausch reflects her method of working as developed with the Wuppertal Theatre of Dance during the 1973/74 season. The film does not tell a story, but is made up of various scenes put together as a collage with scenes set in different locations. The futility of human activity and the search for love make up the film's central theme set against the strains of a Silician funeral march. Filmed on location in Wuppertal, Germany, between October 1987 and April 1989.
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Well, The Complaint of an Empress (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Complaint of an Empress (1990) itselft directed by Pina Bausch and Starring by which made The Complaint of an Empress (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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