Movies Detail of The Money Complex (2015)
✓ Title : The Money Complex
✓ Original Title : Der Geldkomplex (El complejo de dinero)
✓ Release Date : February 10th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 76 minutes
✓ Director : Juan Rodrigáñez
✓ Writers : Eloy Enciso, Juan Rodrigáñez
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Katrin Memmer, Lola Rubio, Rafael Lamata, Gianfranco Poddighe
✓ Original Title : Der Geldkomplex (El complejo de dinero)
✓ Release Date : February 10th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 76 minutes
✓ Director : Juan Rodrigáñez
✓ Writers : Eloy Enciso, Juan Rodrigáñez
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Katrin Memmer, Lola Rubio, Rafael Lamata, Gianfranco Poddighe
Synopsis of The Money Complex (2015)
Rafael resides on his southern Spanish finca with his friends, a group of bohemian refuseniks, adventurers and leftover revolutionaries. They loaf about in style in the idyllic surroundings, playing around, drinking, chatting, reciting verse, posing and performing. Early on, Rafael’s son shows up with his German fiancée, who soon runs off with Julio after some four-handed piano playing. Henry is on a relentless quest for new business ventures and is prospecting for gold in a secret mine; Franziska prefers to ignore the need to earn money; Lucas reads book after book about economics and culture. And then there’s Domingo, who is supposed to relieve a certain Herr Müller of Düsseldorf of three million Euros.
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Well, The Money Complex (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Money Complex (2015) itselft directed by Juan Rodrigáñez and Starring by Katrin Memmer, Lola Rubio, Rafael Lamata, Gianfranco Poddighe which made The Money Complex (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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