Movies Detail of This Must Be the Place (2011)
✓ Title : This Must Be the Place
✓ Release Date : August 24th, 2011
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 118 minutes
✓ Director : Paolo Sorrentino
✓ Writers : Paolo Sorrentino, Umberto Contarello
✓ Companies : Indigo Film, Lucky Red, Medusa Film, ARP Sélection, France 2 Cinéma
✓ Countries : Italy, France, Ireland, Austria
✓ Cast : Olwen Fouéré, Judd Hirsch, Kerry Condon, Sean Penn, Shea Whigham, Harry Dean Stanton, Frances McDormand, Joyce Van Patten, David Byrne, Eve Hewson
✓ Release Date : August 24th, 2011
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 118 minutes
✓ Director : Paolo Sorrentino
✓ Writers : Paolo Sorrentino, Umberto Contarello
✓ Companies : Indigo Film, Lucky Red, Medusa Film, ARP Sélection, France 2 Cinéma
✓ Countries : Italy, France, Ireland, Austria
✓ Cast : Olwen Fouéré, Judd Hirsch, Kerry Condon, Sean Penn, Shea Whigham, Harry Dean Stanton, Frances McDormand, Joyce Van Patten, David Byrne, Eve Hewson
Synopsis of This Must Be the Place (2011)
A bored, retired rock star sets out to find his father's executioner, an ex-Nazi war criminal who is a refugee in the U.S.
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Well, This Must Be the Place (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The This Must Be the Place (2011) itselft directed by Paolo Sorrentino and Starring by Olwen Fouéré, Judd Hirsch, Kerry Condon, Sean Penn, Shea Whigham, Harry Dean Stanton, Frances McDormand, Joyce Van Patten, David Byrne, Eve Hewson which made This Must Be the Place (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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