Movies Detail of O Inimigo Sem Rosto (2010)
✓ Title : O Inimigo Sem Rosto
✓ Release Date : August 5th, 2010
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : José Farinha
✓ Writers : Vicente Alves do Ó, Maria José Morgado, José Vegar
✓ Company : Take 2000
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Paulo Nery, Filipe Ferrer, Suzana Borges, Cristina Carvalhal, António Victorino d'Almeida, São José Correia, Albano Jerónimo, António Melo, Maria João Bastos, José Wallenstein
✓ Release Date : August 5th, 2010
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : José Farinha
✓ Writers : Vicente Alves do Ó, Maria José Morgado, José Vegar
✓ Company : Take 2000
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Paulo Nery, Filipe Ferrer, Suzana Borges, Cristina Carvalhal, António Victorino d'Almeida, São José Correia, Albano Jerónimo, António Melo, Maria João Bastos, José Wallenstein
Synopsis of O Inimigo Sem Rosto (2010)
A plot that surrounds police officers, politicians and consultants who crudely demonstrate the lines apparently hidden of the political system and public institutions.
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Well, O Inimigo Sem Rosto (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The O Inimigo Sem Rosto (2010) itselft directed by José Farinha and Starring by Paulo Nery, Filipe Ferrer, Suzana Borges, Cristina Carvalhal, António Victorino d'Almeida, São José Correia, Albano Jerónimo, António Melo, Maria João Bastos, José Wallenstein which made O Inimigo Sem Rosto (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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