Movies Detail of Puro cashmere (1986)
✓ Title : Puro cashmere
✓ Release Date : December 5th, 1986
✓ Genres : Comedy, Crime
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Biagio Proietti
✓ Writers : Biagio Proietti, Osvaldo De Micheli
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Dario Mazzoli, Isa Gallinelli, Paola Onofri, Antonio Cantafora, Nando Paone, Lucio Caizzi, Anna Galiena, Carlo Conversi, Antonella Voce, Mauro Di Francesco
✓ Release Date : December 5th, 1986
✓ Genres : Comedy, Crime
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Biagio Proietti
✓ Writers : Biagio Proietti, Osvaldo De Micheli
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Dario Mazzoli, Isa Gallinelli, Paola Onofri, Antonio Cantafora, Nando Paone, Lucio Caizzi, Anna Galiena, Carlo Conversi, Antonella Voce, Mauro Di Francesco
Synopsis of Puro cashmere (1986)
Giuliano, kindergarten teacher, goes to his ex's birthday, meets Liliana and falls in love with her.
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Well, Puro cashmere (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Puro cashmere (1986) itselft directed by Biagio Proietti and Starring by Dario Mazzoli, Isa Gallinelli, Paola Onofri, Antonio Cantafora, Nando Paone, Lucio Caizzi, Anna Galiena, Carlo Conversi, Antonella Voce, Mauro Di Francesco which made Puro cashmere (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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