Movies Detail of Estoy en crisis (1982)
✓ Title : Estoy en crisis
✓ Release Date : February 1st, 1982
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Fernando Colomo, Carlos Gil
✓ Writers : Fernando Colomo, Andreu Martín
✓ Companies : La Salamandra, C.B. Films S.A., Ágata Films S.A.
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Marta Fernández Muro, Mercedes Sampietro, José Sacristán, Catalina Freire, José G. de Castrillón, Cristina Marsillach, Luis Ciges, Isabel Sánchez, Enrique San Francisco, Fernando Vivanco
✓ Release Date : February 1st, 1982
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Fernando Colomo, Carlos Gil
✓ Writers : Fernando Colomo, Andreu Martín
✓ Companies : La Salamandra, C.B. Films S.A., Ágata Films S.A.
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Marta Fernández Muro, Mercedes Sampietro, José Sacristán, Catalina Freire, José G. de Castrillón, Cristina Marsillach, Luis Ciges, Isabel Sánchez, Enrique San Francisco, Fernando Vivanco
Synopsis of Estoy en crisis (1982)
Bernabe (José Sacristán) works as an artistic director for a publicity firm but his avocation is fawning after his bosses, sleeping with whomever might advance his career, and ignoring his wife. Life continues on in this vein until he meets a young model whom he invites up to his boss's temporarily vacant country house, pretending the house belongs to him. Not very far away, bulldozers and other machinery are clearing the beautifully wooded area so construction can start on an amusement park. Little does Bernabe realize that his potential new conquest is a seriously fanatical environmental advocate, and she arrives at the house with friends, gets Bernabe high and "out of it," and then she and her friends proceed to trash the construction machinery. Once Bernabe comes around again, he finds out what has happened, loses heart for his planned sexual escapade, and begins to appreciate his wife for the first time.
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Well, Estoy en crisis (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Estoy en crisis (1982) itselft directed by Fernando Colomo, Carlos Gil and Starring by Marta Fernández Muro, Mercedes Sampietro, José Sacristán, Catalina Freire, José G. de Castrillón, Cristina Marsillach, Luis Ciges, Isabel Sánchez, Enrique San Francisco, Fernando Vivanco which made Estoy en crisis (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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