Movies Detail of Janie (1970)
✓ Title : Janie
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1970
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 65 minutes
✓ Directors : Jack Bravman, Michael Findlay, Roberta Findlay
✓ Writer : James Foley
✓ Company : Janie Film Company
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : William Savage, Mary Jane Carpenter, Peer St. Jean, Tina Kraskow, Ella Greenberg, Roberta Findlay, Paul Marten, Michael Findlay, Walter Dunnet, Berla L. Moke
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1970
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 65 minutes
✓ Directors : Jack Bravman, Michael Findlay, Roberta Findlay
✓ Writer : James Foley
✓ Company : Janie Film Company
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : William Savage, Mary Jane Carpenter, Peer St. Jean, Tina Kraskow, Ella Greenberg, Roberta Findlay, Paul Marten, Michael Findlay, Walter Dunnet, Berla L. Moke
Synopsis of Janie (1970)
A sadistic teenager searching for "Daddy" murders and dismembers anybody who picks her up hitch-hiking. In a March 2018 interview with Rialto Report, credited director Jack Bravman admitted that Roberta Findlay actually directed this film, while John Amero confirmed Bravman handed over directorial duties, though he claims to Roberta's husband, Michael.
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Well, Janie (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Janie (1970) itselft directed by Jack Bravman, Michael Findlay, Roberta Findlay and Starring by William Savage, Mary Jane Carpenter, Peer St. Jean, Tina Kraskow, Ella Greenberg, Roberta Findlay, Paul Marten, Michael Findlay, Walter Dunnet, Berla L. Moke which made Janie (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
![Janie (1970)](
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◈ Janie Full Movie Watch Free - Similar to autobiography, with the exception that it is told more "from memory", i.e. it is how the person personally remembers and feels about their life or a stage in their life, more than the exact, recorded details of that period. Though memoirs are often more subjective than autobiography works, memoirs are generally still considered to be nonfiction works. There are also some fiction works that purport to be the "memoirs" of fictional characters as well, done in a similar style, however, these are in a separate genre from their nonfiction counterparts.
◈ Janie Blu Ray Rip - Speculative fiction speculates about worlds that are unlike the real world in various important ways. In these contexts, it generally overlaps one or more of the following: science fiction, fantasy fiction, horror fiction, supernatural fiction, superhero fiction, utopian and dystopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, and alternate history.
◈ Janie The Movie Free - Whimsical has to do with a sense of eccentric or quirky humor. Related styles exaggerate real life in a whimsical, eccentric, quirky or fanciful way, sometimes.
◈ Janie Full Movie Vimeo - A story that takes place in the real world, with real world people, but with several fictionalized or dramatized elements. This may or may not crossover with other genres; for example, fantasy fiction or science fiction may play a part, as is the case for instance with the novel George Washingtons Socks, which includes time travel elements.
◈ Janie Trailer Legendado - Science fiction is similar to fantasy, except stories in this genre use scientific understanding to explain the universe that it takes place in. It generally includes or is centered on the presumed effects or ramifications of computers or machines; travel through space, time or alternate universes; alien life-forms; genetic engineering; or other such things. The science or technology used may or may not be very thoroughly elaborated on; stories whose scientific elements are reasonably detailed, well-researched and considered to be relatively plausible given current knowledge and technology are often referred to as hard science fiction.
◈ Janie 1970 Mega - Stories that touch upon the adversaries of Good, especially the "Enemies" of the forces of righteousness as expressed in any given religious philosophy. Hence, stories of devils, demons, demonic possession, dark witchcraft, evil sorcerers or warlocks, and figures like the Antichrist would qualify. The nature of such stories presupposes the existence of the side of Good and the existence of a deity to be opposed to the forces of Evil.
◈ Janie Watch Online - Fantastic or non-realistic fiction that crosses conventional genre boundaries between science fiction/fantasy and mainstream literary fiction. The term slipstream was coined by cyberpunk author Bruce Sterling in an article originally published in SF Eye #5, July 1970. He wrote: "...this is a kind of writing which simply makes you feel very strange; the way that living in the 20th century makes you feel, if you are a person of a certain sensibility." Slipstream fiction has consequently been referred to as "the fiction of strangeness," which is as clear a definition as any others in wide use.
◈ Janie Full Movie Sub Malaysia - A subgenre of fantasy, set in the present day. These are used to describe stories set in the putative real world (often referred to as consensus reality) in contemporary times, in which magic and magical creatures exist, either living in the interstices of our world or leaking over from alternate worlds.
◈ Janie Full Movie Download HD 4K - Absurdist and surreal fiction challenges casual and rudimentary reasoning and even the most basic purposefulness found within life. There is often, though not always, a connection to comedy.
◈ Janie Story Details - A subgenre of thriller and crime fiction in which the major characters are lawyers and their employees. The system of justice itself is always a major part of these works, at times almost functioning as one of the characters. In this way, the legal system provides the framework for the legal thriller much as the system of modern police work does for the police procedural. Usually, crusading lawyers become involved in proving their cases (usually their clients innocence of the crime he is accused of, or the culpability of a corrupt corporation that has covered its malfeasance) to such an extent that they imperil their own interpersonal relationships and frequently, their own lives.
◈ Janie Movie Filmyzilla.Com - Centers around particularly well-behaving and apparently well-bred thieves. They rarely bother with anonymity or force, preferring to rely on their charisma, physical attractiveness, and clever misdirection to steal the most unobtainable objects – sometimes for their own support, but mostly for the thrill of the act itself.
◈ Janie Full Movie HD Video Download - A story about vampires, reanimated bodies that feed on the blood of the living, based on European folklore. Bram Stokers Dracula created many of the genres conventions.
◈ Janie Trailer Video - A film which satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class, often represented by stock characters. The plot of the comedy is often concerned with an illicit love affair or some other scandal, but is generally less important than its witty dialogue. This form of comedy has a long ancestry, dating back at least as far as Shakespeares Much Ado about Nothing.
◈ Janie Full Movie Egybest - tends to deal with womens roles in society. It poses questions about social issues such as how society constructs gender roles, the role reproduction plays in defining gender and the unequal political, economic and personal power of men and women. Some of the most notable feminist science fiction works have illustrated these themes using utopias to explore a society in which gender differences or gender power imbalances do not exist, or dystopias to explore worlds in which gender inequalities are intensified, thus asserting a need for feminist work to continue.
◈ Janie Full Movie Run Time - A blend of heroic fantasy, adventure, and frequent elements of the horrific in which a mighty barbaric warrior hero is pitted against both human and supernatural adversaries. Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Cimmerian, Kull of Atlantis, the Pictish king Bran Mak Morn, etc. is generally acknowledged as the founder of the genre, chiefly through his writings for Weird Tales and other 1970 and 1970 pulp magazines.
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