Movies Detail of Fatal Vacation (1990)
✓ Title : Fatal Vacation
✓ Original Title : 安樂戰場
✓ Release Date : January 6th, 1990
✓ Genres : Action, Drama
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Eric Tsang
✓ Writer : Nam Yin
✓ Companies : Friends Cheer Limited, Golden Harvest Productions, Paragon Films Ltd.
✓ Countries : Philippines, Hong Kong
✓ Cast : Irene Wan, Tommy Wong, Cecilia Yiu Ching-Ching, Spanky Manikan, Tang Pik-Wan, Bernardo Bernardo, Eric Tsang, Joan Tong Lai-Kau, Emily Kwan Bo-Wai, Victor Wong
✓ Original Title : 安樂戰場
✓ Release Date : January 6th, 1990
✓ Genres : Action, Drama
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Eric Tsang
✓ Writer : Nam Yin
✓ Companies : Friends Cheer Limited, Golden Harvest Productions, Paragon Films Ltd.
✓ Countries : Philippines, Hong Kong
✓ Cast : Irene Wan, Tommy Wong, Cecilia Yiu Ching-Ching, Spanky Manikan, Tang Pik-Wan, Bernardo Bernardo, Eric Tsang, Joan Tong Lai-Kau, Emily Kwan Bo-Wai, Victor Wong
Synopsis of Fatal Vacation (1990)
A pleasent trip to the Phillipines is turned into tragedy when the tour bus is kidnapped by a group of rebels that want to exchange the prisoners for the Rebel Leader's brother...
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Well, Fatal Vacation (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fatal Vacation (1990) itselft directed by Eric Tsang and Starring by Irene Wan, Tommy Wong, Cecilia Yiu Ching-Ching, Spanky Manikan, Tang Pik-Wan, Bernardo Bernardo, Eric Tsang, Joan Tong Lai-Kau, Emily Kwan Bo-Wai, Victor Wong which made Fatal Vacation (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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